Black Holes
Black holes are sites or location in the space where gravity is too high compared to any other force. These black holes are formed from remnants of massive former stars. Once anything is trapped (light inclusive) in the black hole gravitational circle, it is impossible for it to escape. Recent discoveries have led to the realization of how the black holes are formed, why they exist in different sizes and what are the repercussions of getting trapped into one. Although the black holes are of significant threat to any neighboring object or object, there is no need to worry as the nearest black hole is many light-years away from the earth. For the formation of the black hole to happen, instead of massive stars reducing into neutron or dwarf stars in their final stages, they remain active thus forming black holes.
Overview of black holes
Massive stars denote into neutrons in their final stages of their lifetime via a process commonly known as supernova. Once the enormous stars reach their final stages, they explode and scattered all over the void but a dormant cold remnant is left behind. Unlike in the cold remnants left behind after the scattering, much younger stars can maintain the inward and outward gravitational pressure due to star’s mass. But as a result of the supernova, the dormant remnants lack the ability to maintain these forces at the check and thus begin to collapse.
The lack of this balance between the inward and outward pressure make the black hole shrink to zero volume. This inward force exacted by the cold remnants is so strong that even the light they produce cannot escape but get trapped in an orbit and, as a result, the star turns into a black hole. For objects, light and planets to be pulled towards the black, they must pass as close to the black as possible. Although the black hole’s pull energy is massive, it is not of equal strength compared to other stars’ and cosmic objects’ of the same mass.
Nature of black holes
Although black holes are small in size, they are very powerful. A black hole of medium size would have a radius of approximately three kilometres in width. It is almost impossible to observe the black holes with ordinary telescopes are they are very small, dark and distant. The black holes pose a great danger to all flying and floating vessels like the aeroplanes, satellites and spaceships.