Writing A Descriptive Essay About A Place: Things You Should Know
Success in writing this type of descriptive essay depends on not only how well thoughts are developed, but also how well writers know the place they are describing. Here are some additional things you should know when writing the essay.
- Be vivid: description of a place doesn’t have to be as boring to read! By considering facts that stand out about a place, the reader can enjoy reading the work. Vivid writing evokes imagination in the reader’s mind and helps him/her to create visuals about the place. This leaves an impact. In order to leave the best experience in the reader, it is recommended to use the five senses – hearing, smelling, tasting, seeing, and touch – in describing the events and objects at/from the specified place.
- Be creative but reasonable: Creativity will help make the work more interesting since it allows the writer to give the reader statements that have never been heard of. However, be sure not to indulge in the world of impossibilities all the time. Success in descriptive writing will rely on giving facts about a place, and if the reader already knows that location, they can’t avoid comparing the facts presented with what they already know. This determines the general attitude formed by readers about the write-up. While the work allows creativity, you can introduce vivid statements that are still reasonable to readers.
- Find out facts: In some cases, students will have freedom to choose a city on which to write the descriptive essay assignment. If an examiner specifies a city which must be described and the writer is not familiar with it, it is in order to find out from published work about the place. If the place is within reach, one can visit it in order to create more impact in writing the essay. This will also help one to provide more current information than when relying on published work.
- Choose places you have experience about: If examiners leave students to select a place they want to write about, students can turn around the writing and make it more personal by choosing a place they have been before. Write about experiences you had in that place. However, make sure to include known facts from literature that is accessible to anyone, so as to make the work credible.
- First or third person narrative? The examiner can specify which point of view to use but if none has been specified, either the first or third person narration works. In first-person, you become a character and use “I” and “we” pronouns. In third person, the writer is not a character in the story and pronouns such as “he/she” and “they” will be used for characters.
Don't forget to proofread your essay when you finish writing. A professional essay editing service can come in handy if you can't do it on your own.