History Of Alaska
The History of Alaska is very interesting to learn about. The state of Alaska is the largest among the states in the US. The history of the state depicts the tremendous growth it has undergone in the years over time. Discovery of Alaska was in the 1941 by Vitus Bering. The area of Alaska is very large and had remained unexplored for several years. However this changed after the discovery of the area. The process of learning about the history of Alaska is adventurous and interesting. We learn about the exploration of these areas by explorer. We also learn about gold mining and in the area and also the impact of gold mining in the area including the settlement of the people in this area. Being today’s US biggest state as it was purchased, Alaska has been growing and changes are notable over the years. Alaska cannot be forgotten due to the gold rush that was there in the western states in the 1890s.
History of Alaska: Oil Discovery and Increased Settlement
In 1959, the area or land of Alaska became a state. It gained statehood as it had been purchased by America in the year 1867. The challenges before it became a state are that there was not much population in the area. In 1968, the discovery of oil brought about many changes in the area of Alaska. There was oil discovery in the state. This encouraged human settlement in this region. The miners from other parts of America joined to benefit from the resource. Oil mining became a major economic activity that brought a lot of transformation in the area. The pipeline building and construction also encouraged more people to settle. This became a major attraction for the people. The area was filled with people within not so much time. Previously those who had inhibited Alaska were the natives that included the Aleuts, the Indians and the Eskimos. This had finally changed with the discovery and mining of oil in the region.
History of Alaska: Growth
After the purchase of the Alaska land by the Us, many changes occurred with more people settling in the region. Infrastructural developments were made to improve the state. Mining of oli and gold became economic activities that attracted settlers in the area. The State also became a major tourist attraction area as it has major peaks that are highly attractive. Other industries including fisheries and wood work increased.